MongoDB Compass connection issue

I am working on migration of our Data Warehouse project from Alibaba Cloud to Huawei Cloud this week. All goes well, except one issue occurs when I tried to connect to MongoDB using MongoDB Compass Community.

As I have presented in my previous post, I have deployed MongoDB service using docker and I have successfully connected to my MongoDB database from IPython console. So I firstly tried again the visit from IPython today to make sure that the MongoDB service is still running on Huawei ECS. It IS still working well:

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Then I open MongoDB Compass Community and fill the login information as below (our domain name has not yet been authorized so I have to use Ip address for hostname):
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However, when I click “CONNECT” button, nothing happens.

After a close investigation, I found the reason. After I filled all the fields for connection, Compass yielded a connection URI string as below.
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In fact, as explained in official manual of MongoDB, the standard URI syntax for connection is as:
Thus in my case, MongoDB Compass has strangely used ip:port as the Database name to visit. Since there is no database with such name, so it shall do nothing and stays in the connection interface.

Now I correct the URI string manually and fill my database name suppliers into this string as below:
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Once I click “CONNECT”, Compass jumps as expected to display interface of the queried database now:
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