Native Mobile Application dev using HTML5

I started learning JavaScript since November 2018. Since then, I fell in love with this powerful language. In this post, I would like to share my experience of app dev using JavaScript and to encourage you guys to develop apps using HTML5 tech.

My first experience with JS started with MUI by using which I aimed to develop an mobile application to measure human abdomen movements using smartphone’s accelerator sensor. MUI is a H5-based framework for developing “native” applications (can be called Chinese-version Reaction Native?). The MUI team has also developed HTML5plus sdk (Chinese-version Cordova) which grants applications the access to host device’s capabilities such as sensors, phone status, etc. With these tools, I have easily developed my application within two days. One month later, we have decided to develop an application for communicating with our smart wearable hardware via Bluetooth. Thus along with progress of hardware development, I have developed another application for testing communications with the hardware and for collecting test data. Several months later, this application becomes a very useful tool for our team, which is used to: flash the firmware, testing the stability of BLE connection, adjusting parameters for algorithm and embedded software, collecting debug logs, data collecting during nightly tests, ROB (robustness) issues investigation, etc.

For copyright reason, I cannot share the source code of this application. Below are screenshots of two non-secret parts of my code. The bluetooth dev manual is given here.

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This is a video showing how I did the test with my application and the wearable hardware prototype.

Another video of motion data collection on a premature baby using my app: